The FireGeneration Collaborative aims to reimagine and transform fire culture, community governance access, and equitable solutions by centering Indigenous leadership and diverse young generations.
We envision a fire world where decision-making centers the most-impacted stakeholders, especially diverse young generations and Indigenous communities.
We strive for a transformation in public fire consciousness, matched by a mobilization of young people in equitable, proactive, and resilient solutions.
Moreover, we believe in creating a culture around fire where reciprocity is the foundation for social and ecological relationships, serving the best interests of human and more-than-human relatives, and generations to come.
Our Guiding Concepts
Young people will see far more fire than the generations before us. Decisions today are shaping what this world will look like, with uncertainty over whether they will address or exacerbate the inequities in our communities. As young people, we have little representation in the decision-making, yet we are most impacted stakeholders. We are depended on to carry decisions out, and to inherit the world they make. We need an equitable place in shaping the decisions, so our communities can be involved in enacting them, and ourselves and future generations can live sustainably with fire.
We have the unique and incredible ability to generate and manage fire. This ability has shaped our cultures and societies for countless generations. This present era of crisis calls for a generational rejuvenation of utilizing fire — led by Indigenous people, management and knowledge systems. We must heal societal relationships with nature, and revitalize cultural and prescribed burning.
We must regenerate our lifestyles, ecosystems, and relationships. We must move from extraction-based economies to regenerative economies. By centering Indigenous knowledge and young people in frontline and marginalized communities, we can regenerate places, landscapes, and the culture surrounding fire. This regeneration can rewrite the fire narrative, away from a fight to control nature and toward a healing relationship with fire and land — restoring our connections to Earth and each other.
We focus on developing collaboration between generations, especially between young people and the decision-makers who are willing to respect and take action for our needs and solutions. Most importantly, we believe that collaboration between people, fire, and the land is a pathway for healing communities, and bringing younger and older generations together.